lördag 31 januari 2015

Hard work work!

Since last night we've started recording some drums. We've still got some more work to do though.

We've also spent some time working on the blog layout.

To be Frank's new profile picture.

To be Frank

fredag 30 januari 2015

Wanna make God laugh, tell him your plans...

Yesterday we decided to take a picture as header for the blog and today we went out in the "woods" and took some pictures. The rain was pouring down but luckily the trees protected us from most of the rain. Why do we always  come up with the idea of taking band-photos in the winter time? Haha ;). Jokes aside it was really a lot of fun and we're very satisfied with the result! 

The solution for being able to photograph AND hold an umbrella.

On the way home...

The new header. 

Tonight we're recording drums :D

Happy friday everybody,

To be Frank

onsdag 28 januari 2015

Standing ovation to our education! (Well, that's a first ;))

Good morning everybody!

Long time no see to say the least. But we're really excited to see that we've still got viewers on a regular basis!

We've started to record a new song and yesterday we recorded two guitars so that we can lay the drums within the next few days. After that we'll record the "real" guitars, bass and vocals and so on!

We've just started an education called Design of Music and Sound
Main field of study: Musicology which we are very excited about. Well what do you know, school can be pretty cool. We love the fact that we have A LOT more time to work on our music and the fact that we actually get to learn much more about recording and such. 

See you soon,