tisdag 25 december 2012


 We've forgot to wish you a merry christmas! We all wish you a merry christmas, of course. This picture is from our latest rehearsal.
This is Alice's dog on christmas eve yesterday.

/ To be Frank with love

onsdag 12 december 2012

Hit us with great news

Our latest song!

This is our latest song with lyrics. We recorded it on a cellphone but it will do for now. We hope you will LOVE it!

To be Frank!

måndag 10 december 2012

Our latest song!

This is our latest song with lyrics. We recorded it on a cellphone but it will do for now. We hope you will LOVE it!

To be Frank!

tisdag 4 december 2012

Today's rehersal

Becca, Emil, Alice

             Today's rehersal went very well, so we were very happy, as you can see in this photo ;)
We are happy to tell that we now have a strong setlist. Our 10:th song is now officially ready for action!

/To be Frank