fredag 30 november 2012


Hi, everybody!
We will release our video of La la la la tomorrow at 6 p.m. (swedish time).

onsdag 28 november 2012

söndag 25 november 2012

Looking awesome!

This is a picture from this weekends "video-making". On the picture you can see our very own bass-queen: Hanna Östrand!
"And they shall call it La la la la"

onsdag 21 november 2012

Latest neeeeeews

   According to our plans, the video for our song La la la la should be ready at the end of next week!

            Last night we completed our new song Filling these boots...

/To be Frank

söndag 18 november 2012


This is a video we made for fun when Alice (drums) made us pancakes.

Satan in a sunday hat

Satan in a sunday hat - live August 2012

On the highest of thrones, Plays the loudest of the trombones
Collecting skeleton bones, In the basements of their homes
They feed on you and me, They absolutely love to be scary
Well I love to be frank, frankly, watch me

This is a cut from a summer gig. It was the first time we played this song live and therefore it was a weird coincidence that the man wearing a hat in the front danced the way he did.


lördag 17 november 2012

To be freakin' Frank

 <--Emil & Hanna-->

To be Frank's setlist
1. Jack n' Rose
2. Voicefuck
3. 2 cool 4 you
4. Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
5. Glittera & Glamoura
6. La la la la
7. Black Sheep
8. Satan in a sunday hat
9. Mary Wanna
10. Filling these boots

tisdag 13 november 2012

I'll make you my grandmothers bitch in her pretty little house

Our favourite carpet which portraits a bird, a frog, a hippo and a lion in a very humoristic way!

To be Frank now on instagram

Now you can follow us on instagram: tobefrankofficial

We've been struck by great new ideas for our upcoming video! Video-release in about three weeks!

/To be Frank

söndag 11 november 2012

Check the booty on that blondie

Today we have worked on our upcoming video. It's almost done but give us a few days/weeks and stay tuuuuuuuuuuned. Because it's going to be awesome! We will be proud to present it to you.

fredag 9 november 2012

Glittera & Glamoura

Here's a video of To be Frank performing their latest song Glittera and Glamoura @ Kupan, The red cross, Kalmar.

/To be Frank

tisdag 6 november 2012

To be Frank english version ;) Our latest lyrics!

Since we noticed we've got visitors from the USA we considered it to be a good idea to start writing in english!

At the moment we are working our butts off to get our music video for our song La la la la done. Stay tuned, we might just give you a sneak peak very soon ;) And we expect the video to be done in a month or two.

I thought I'd might share our latest (unfinished) lyrics:

I've been told by your eyes you've got butterflies
From now on we can never be as cold as ice
Don't ever ruin this with lies
You're my light in every single night

Oh, ah, ah, ah

Your fingertips on my lips
Gives me shivers all down to my hips
My heart flips, twists and shifts
You're most unlikely to resist

Oh, ah, ah, ah

A picture from our gig in Torsås earlier this year!

Left: Bass-Hanna / Right: Drum-Alice

/Rebecca and the rest of To be Frank

Video och inspiration

Hallå där!
Längesen vi skrev något här så nu gör jag det.

Just nu håller vi på med vår första video som vi gör själva och tillsammans med Hilda Gustafsson. Samtidigt försöker vi hålla repen regelbundna vilket inte är så svårt eftersom vi finner det så jäkla kul. Vi jobbar just nu på en ny låt och därför inspireras jag av mycket för tillfället. Men mest av allt av älskade Jack White. Här är min favoritlåt från albumet Blunderbuss:

Vi har inga gig på gång tyvärr, men det hoppas vi dyker upp så småningom. Hoppas allt är bra med er, ni tappra som klickar er in här.

Puss och kram!
Alice och resten av To be Frank